Description: Through collaborative discussions, hands-on activities, and real-world examples from all program areas, you will learn four adaptable concepts. These will enhance your instructional efficacy while catering both to your individual strengths as an educator, and to the unique needs of your program participants.
Presenters: Jayde Grisham, Urban Agriculture Educator, Marion County; Ashley Shufflebarger, 4-H Youth Development Educator, Marion County; Katie Howell, CWC, Marion County; Shalee Bradley, ANR Educator, Johnson County; Abigail Creigh, HHS Educator, Noble County; Amanda Bullion, HHS Educator, Delaware County; Dallas Evans, CD Educator, Marion County; Tara Beckman CD and HHS Educator, Harrison County
Thursday December 5, 2024 8:30am - 9:15am EST
Room 9
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